Experience from countless cost optimization projects has shown that not only the constructive product design often leads to high costs.
Often the way of procurement is also suboptimal. This leads to complex, risky value chains, too few supplier alternatives or too little material availability in the procurement markets and ultimately results in delivery failures.
Difficulties in procurement are often due to points like:
- small number of standard and norm components,
- use of narrow tolerances and high surface qualities,
- use of materials that are difficult to obtain and the
- specification of manufacturers and production processes on drawings.
We would be pleased to examine your component designs for bottleneck parts and develop suggestions on how you can use alternative sources of supply by means of minor design measures and thus improve your ability to deliver.
Please call us or write us a short note and we will contact you immediately: We would be pleased to look at bottleneck parts for you without obligation and make suggestions for avoiding them.